How does AgoraTech work? Follow the steps:

1st step (mandatory): Before using the AgoraTech system,it is necessary to doa search using the evocation  technique, in which the participant needs to mention an X numbers of words that comes to mind about somesubject.

Step 2: If it is of your desire and it is important for the research, like the author of agora, the respondent may also be asked to mention X numbers of words that it thinks others think about the subject (also a technique of evocation). But this step is not mandatory for system usage.

Step 3: If you want to, it is also possible to ask questions that are not directly related to the theme in question, such as age group, housing, socioeconomic level, etc. This brings more power to the research, since AgoraTech is able to cross-reference the data obtained by the evocation technique with the data obtained by another form of collection. But this step is also not mandatory.

Step 4 (required): Then the data (evoked or evoked + not evoked) should be imported into the system, which will generate the results.

Let’s look at the example based on the system utilization case:

The survey participants should mention five words about Distance Education. Thus, the results obtained vary from level 1 to 5, where level 1 was the widest level of similar thoughts (less affinities) and level 5, the most specific (most affinities).

Certain agoras were formed by the affinity of the following words:


The word distrust formed a level 1 agora, wich means, fewer affinities among people by mentioning a single word in common to judge the theme of Distance Education. This agora was formed by people who think that the other considers distance learning with distrust (alter).

Discipline, organization, motivation, proactivity and autonomy

These words formed a level 5 agora, wich means, more affinities among people by mentioning 5 words in common to judge the theme of Distance education. This agora was formed by people who have these words as representatives of their own opinion (ego).

As detailed above, it is also possible to extract precious information, using AgoraTech, by crossing agoras (grouping people ideologically) with data such as gender, age group, location, lifestyles from the people who make up such groups.

From the level 1 agora originated by the word distrust, showed in the example, one of the crossed results was the following:

It is an agora strongly composed of men, mostly over 38 years, who believe that the other views Distance Education with mistrust.
(Crossing this agora with gender and age group information)

From the level 5 agora originated by the words discipline, organization, motivation, proactivity and autonomy, the following correlation of data appeared:

It is an agora, mostly formed by men from the city of Macaé and the interior of the state of Rio de Janeiro, that have in common these words as their own opinions about Distance Education. (Crossing this agora with gender and location information)

Access the AgoraTech system here



Read more

About the thesis that originated Agora System, click here.

Agora in the Corporate Market, click here.

The Agora in the academic world, click here.

Meet the survey with 42,000 people that originated Agora, click here.

See also how to create the Agora system, click here.