The Center for Distance Higher Education of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Cederj) is responsible for the administrative and academic management of undergraduate courses in the semi-presential offered by public institutions of higher education in the state of RJ: UERJ, UENF, UFF, UFRJ, UFRRJ, UNIRIO and CEFET/RJ. Cederj has 35 centers spread throughout the state, and students find the physical reference of the university in the chosen city, being able to attend tutoring, libraries, laboratories, etc.
The graduations are Administration, Public Administration, Accounting Sciences, Production Engineering, Meteorological Engineering, Biological Sciences, Physics, Geography, History, Literature, Mathematics, Pedagogy, Chemistry, Tourism, Public Security, Associated Degree in Computer Systems, Associated Degree in Tourism and Librarian. The forms of admission are an entrance exam or Enem grades.